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A Sai Bo Poatstone shooting game

“Don’t Run Schools” The original team of the original team has another latest masterpiece “Bullet Rain” to start the appointment. I want to say that this time let us make something different ~!

“Bullet Rain” is a mobile game that focuses on action barrage shooting.It mainly combines the growth of action barrage and the role of strategic characters, and creates a game experience with a combat and refreshing sense.

“Bullet Rain” has multiple different level maps, giving players more challenge goals.At the same time, “Bullet Rain” focuses on strengthening the combination of the strategy growth in the level, focusing on highlighting the player’s growth strategy choice. Players’ talent growth combination in the game will bring very large results.Talent growth is the core feature mechanism of the game, and it is expected to give players more strategic playability.

[Story Background] (Planning)

In the future, robots in human life can be seen everywhere. Because no way to travel quickly in the universe, humans focus on the eternal earth, soCreate the AI system and give it eternal tasks for the earth.

But with the continuous evolution of the AI system, AI believes that humans are also the virus of the earth, which hinders the eternal task of the earth. ThereforeHuman plan.

Humans on the earth cannot resist the invasion of the robotic army commanded by the AI system, and the survival of human beings is at a danger.Strike!

[Game Features]

Operating characters, explore the dungeon, defeat a variety of small monsters

Smooth movement, avoid shooting, and bring you a refreshing game experience

Partner collaboration, levelsAdventure, each one is different experience

pixel dungeon, Cyberpunk, and unique style of painting

more information will be continuously revealed in the future.You can make an appointment to follow our community homepage to learn about the latest situation of “Bouncing Rain” at any time!

Need the network

【What The Developers Say】

We like to play barrage shooting games. Although there are many excellent barrage games in the market, we don’t think we don’t think there is noWhich game will match the growth combination of the bureau enough to do the extreme. We decided to use this as the core feature to make a barrage shooting by ourselves, focusing on highlighting the strategy of growth and the refreshing operation, so we set up this “Bullet Rain”.

As a small team with only a few people, the final product must not be able to attract everyone through gorgeous picture performance, but we will do our best to play the gameplay experience.