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Action Role-Playing

Snowbreak: Containment Zone

Snowbreak: Containment Zone is a 3D sci-fi anime RPG shooter. Powered by the Unreal Engine 4, Snowbreak offers a next-gen, cross-platform gaming experience, sharing your progress across all of your devices.

Devil May Cry: Peak of Combat

《Devil May Cry: Peak of Combat》 is an authorized mobile game created by NebulaJoy, with the deep participation of the official team of CAPCOM Devil May Cry! The game inherits the Devil May Cry’s free, flexible, strategy skills and gorgeous, unconstrained fighting style, and at the same time, it also brings players an immersive combo experience with its industry-leading motion capture technology, which perfectly reproduces the most distinctive battles of Devil May Cry, make the experience more diverse.

Demon Hunter: Shadow World

Demon Hunter is an action-packed mobile game that lets you unleash your inner warrior in a dark fantasy world. You can choose from different classes of hunters, each with their own unique skills and weapons, and fight against hordes of demons, undead, and other creatures of the night. You can also customize your hunter with various outfits, accessories, and upgrades to suit your style and preferences.